I am Isha Chopde

I love to build Byte by Byte

Dreamer | Developer | Demonstrator

Web, Mobile and Cloud Developer

About Me

Success comes from what you do Consistently.

"Does not matter if he is stronger than me, I am working every inch of it to make myself better."


An investment to gain early knowledge for my professional life.

Pune University

Bachelors in Computer Science

  • Graduation: May 2016
  • GPA: 3.8
  • Courses

  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms

    Data Structures and Problem Solving

    Theory of Computation

    Principles of Compiler Design

    Principles of Distributed Programming

    Operating System Design

    Object Oriented and Multicore Programming

    Discrete Structures

    Computer Networks

    Artificial Intelligence

    Advanced Databases

    Business Intelligence

    Datamining and Pattern Recognition

    Software Architecture

    Object Oriented Programming Skills

California State University, Fullerton

Masters in Computer Science

  • Graduation: May 2018
  • GPA: 3.7
  • Courses

  • Computer System Architecture

    Web Back-end for Enterprise Applications

    Data Mining and Pattern Recognition

    Software Verification and Validation

    Advanced software Process

    Computer Vision and Deep Learning

    Advanced Database Management

    Datamining and Pattern Recognition

“If you are not willing to work hard for it; don't complain of not having it.”


Where I put my Knowledge to work.

Gyro Web Technologies 2 Months

My Responsibilities

* Involved in various stages of SDLC, Document Management and Workflow Solutions.
* Worked on technologies like HTML5, CSS, PHP, AJAX, JavaScript, NodeJS, jQuery.
* Implemented the backend RESTAPI and services using Servlets, JSON, Multi-tier Client Server, Oracle and MySQL.

Worked as a Software Developer (Volunteer)

A complete web solution Company, offering one stop online web solutions in Web Designing, Development/ Re-Designing, Site management, high quality website design and database development, ecommerce solutions, corporate branding, hosting and maintenance services to business of all sizes.

Involved in offloading application maintenance, software development, mobile and wireless solutions, product development, help desk operations or numerous other projects.

POS and Web Clerical Assistant May 2017

My Responsibilities

* Diagnosed issues inside of Fusion POS software, and established workarounds.
* Extracted data for reporting from Fusion POS software.
* Coordinated programming efforts from the professional staff to assure the offerings were organized on the website.
* Built and developed multitasking skills and time management skills balancing first job and school.

Summer Training Program June 2013

ROBOTICS Summer Training Program, ARK TechnoSolutions

Involved making a robot controlled by a Remote Control Device.
* Navigated the machine with light sensors and sound sensors and made the system follow a color combination to understand the start and stop instructions without human intervention.
* Learned the working and construction of a Quad Copter Drone.
* Hardware and Software used: Arduino Board, sensors, motors, MATLAB.


Start from small to achieve bigger. Every project I worked on gave me something new in return.

Profile Search App

Designed an application which allows the user to search for another user on GitHub.

Once the user logs in , it opens a search tab.

The idea is to make it easier for users to be able to connect to other users and their profiles, be able to view the repositories and contributed work, all in one application.

It also shows their personal information with their profile picture.

It provides auto-complete search for the users.

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ELearner System

An online system where instructors post lectures and students make notes.This project was developed to allow instructors to upload class lessons and course materials.

Front-end developed using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4, JavaScript, jQuery.

Backend uses NodeJS, Express-handlebars, bcryptJS and passport APIs.

Database used is MongoDB and mongoose.

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Table Reservation System

California State University, Fullerton

Developed a responsive web application for restaurant reservations. Allows viewing the physical location online.

Front-end developed using HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap4, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX.

Servlets and JSP formed the server-side communication and Oracle 10g used as Database.

Performed white box testing using JUnit, black box testing using Selenium Web Drivers and static testing using PMD.

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Music Genre Classification

California State University, Fullerton

Designed a desktop system which can be used to classify songs into their specific genre by implementing different machine learning algorithms.

Executed neural network algorithms and feature extraction method on MATLAB to implement and generate confused matrices and compared the results.

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Jump Up

California State University, Fullerton

Implementation of the Back-end of Kickstarter.com.

Designing the backend infrastructure of a fundraising website for startups.This project is based on the concept of simulation of website kickstarter.com.

Managed the project on Heroku web application server. Our design allows session management, persistence, and PostgreSQL database management for start-up companies as well as individuals to present their ideas.

Used Python as the primary language, HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. Implemented Flask web framework for python. Worked on Pycharm python development environment.

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